Monday, August 13, 2012

It's crazy how dark skin is hated all over, while everything started with dark skin

I couldn’t have said it better myself… see that’s the thing… it is hated hated hated.. even when a baby is born, the mom has so much hatred for dark skin in so much that they would go as far as praying the baby don’t turn out dark… making comments such as “you can see that they gon be black like hell” “oh my gosh look at the ears, did he/she really have to take her/his daddy’s skin.” why cant they be happy that you have a beautiful new born no matter how their skin will turn out.. I promised myself that I would write something from a light skin’s point of view but no I’m really sorry coz even at my own home I am thrown with silly little comments about dark skin being horrible that’s all the influence I’m getting… I cant even say a thing about the light skinned little girl because they are always the pretty ones….what can I say.. “no you are not as pretty as they say… you are just light skinned” no I cant say that..because they are pretty.. we all are…ts sad coz the light skinned babies get very dissapointed when they realize that they are black not white, that when the white folk looks at her they see a black person… yet we sit around and pick on our own skin tone when we are the same…

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