Thursday, August 2, 2012

Angelina Jolie Slammed for Putting Extensions in Zahara’s Hair

I personally think that paparazzi has seriously ran out of things to write about, I am a black mother raising two little girls, I braid my kid’s hair and I plan to braid them even more and that should not by any means make them feel insecure. I have watched videos, I have read articles about natural hair and how much extra care it requires. We all know as black people that our hair grows faster, better and is protected when braided. I really don’t understand the fuss about Angelina braiding her baby girl’s hair in fact I think she is doing a good thing because the last thing she needs is to have her hair falling or whatever. The article I read goes on to say : “Hair experts such as celebrity hairstylist DaRico Jackson claims that at 6-years-old, Zahara is way too young to be rocking that look and that extensions will only breed insecurity in Zahara and point out the fact that she’s different from the rest of her siblings”

 I want that hair expect to tell me that He/she has never had a 6 year old braid their hair and look cute, or has never had a six year old as a client for braids or whatever the case maybe… the only reason I would not braid my six year old is that it can be really painful but besides that.. I mean come on, ya’ll are just picking on the girl.

Now this is the statement that just somehow does things to me: “and that extension will only breed insecurity in Zahara and point out the fact that she’s different from the rest of her siblings” Who are we kidding here?? Hey that child already knows she is different, and YES she is different from the rest of her siblings… and if she don’t know then she needs to know… because if she starts thinking she is white.. the same white people are going to be laughing at her.

Maybe you are wondering how or what makes us different Tina, a young black woman living in Johannesburg says: “Its inherent, a matter of fact that most white people were born into a culture that made them superior by default. They never had to prove themselves or their self worth because society told them they were successful just by colour. Even though Africans have every right to the same connotation, its almost also default that we have to work twice as hard to prove ourselves in this same culture. None the less, it is imperative that the black man find identity in his own uniqueness and value that is the African stature he possesses. Its a mentality that needs to be amended for the black man and the white man, it is not for the caucasians to rule the african and the african to not hate the caucasion. In todays pop culture we are alike, Africans from old have had the culture, the colour, the ethnicity and values that have remained, and white people have their own values that don't definitely define the black man. Totally subjective”

 So yes Zahara must know she is black and not white and there is a lot except the blood that flows in our veins, our spirits, our souls that makes us different.

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