Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chances are our generation is already messed up, my issue here is these little kids that are growing up to this madness… dark skinned = ugly and dumb and light skinned = beautiful and smart. I mean my 6 year old already thinks that a black women is not pretty enough for her to paste on her school book… really now really?? Somebody help me here I really don’t know where to begin!!
“Now its our time for us to start gaining some recognition, if we stop blaming we could get to better condition”


My goodness… I been thinking about what freedom means to people and how they view it… because to me it is so not trying to be something you are not but definitely “being” what you truly are and having the freedom to embrace it— I’ve watched for so long people teaching other women on how to be a lady as if Africans or black people don’t know how to be a lady… were you not taught as a girl to close your legs when you sit?? were you not taught do that little bowing thing when you greet elders? were you not taught to greet visitors with a handshake? have you seen what Venda women do when they greet men or the king… they literally lie on the ground… that is being a lady correct me if I’m wrong… so I’m not saying people should just start lying on the ground when greeting people.. I’m Xhosa and I will not sleep on the ground when I greet my uncle but I will give him a handshake and the little bend your knees type of thing… I am free, free to be who I am, free to embrace what I am and where I come from, free to do what I want to do, free to represent my true identity. Why is my natural hair not good enough for people?? why cant I rock my hair in an interview?? why am I considered having a bad hair day when I wear my natural hair… I was walking around my hood yesterday evening and a good looking guy comes up to me and tells me how beautiful I am… there I was smiling away and thanking him for the complement… and then he goes on to say ” you know whats missing ? if you could get just the bonding/weave thing going on and you are good to go” What?? this is my hair!! at the end of it all and when all goes wrong I have this hair to fall back on nothing more nothing less… ??? now in order for me to look “pretty enough for people” I have to put on weave…?? Just the other day I was in shop rite with 2 of my frnds.. not that I was eavesdropping on people but I just happened to overhear a men very old “dark” looking men telling a light skinned women who from what I gathered was venda… and this men said “how come are you venda and look so good?? because I know a lot of venda women are ugly, even on movhango its just two people that are pretty…” excuse me?? can somebody guess who those two women might be?? the only thing that came to mind when he says such a thing is “light skin” why are people so ignorant.. ?? ya’ll are merely saying black people are ugly and a beautiful black women is a women who is close enough to being white… ??? people go as far as “thanking” God that we have “mixed races” … I call this self hate.. SELF HATE… YOU HATE YOURSELF AND YOU WOULD RATHER BE WHITE… and that is SO NOT FREEDOM!!